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Concord Monitor September 6, 2024 


Two years after plans unfurled for nearly 1,000 units, city says it won't rezone industrial land

... "One of the key elements to business growth and also addressing homelessness in the city is definitely creation of more housing," Mayor Byron Champlin said in his state of the city remarks in April. "If all 3,000 units that I talked about are completed, the city's total housing sypply will be expanded by nearly 16%"

Fast Forward five months, and Champlain had a different attitude...


To read more: Concord Monitor


Concord Monitor August 22, 2024 


Massive Housing Project Along Merrimack River in Concord Stalled

... City leaders say the project - despite the abundance of housing it offers - is simply out of line with their vision. They also say they want to delay zoning changes until after the city council updates the master plan, a process that won't conclude for about four years...


To read more: Concord Monitor


Patch April 25, 2024 


As a principal developer of the proposed mixed-use Monitor Way project, a New Hampshire native and a former resident of Penacook, I would like to take this opportunity to share some information with the current residents of Penacook.

Recent letters to the editor have claimed the project would harm conservation efforts and cater primarily to out-of-staters. To the contrary, what is being proposed is a modest village with various types of housing choices and some mixed-use retail, meeting the needs of Granite Staters, with a significant percentage of conserved greenspace. Set more than 200 feet back from the river, it will not only preserve nearly 50% (or about 65 acres) of natural greenspace, it will also build about two miles of new public trails, over two acres of community park space, a dog park and unprecedented public access to the river...


To read more: Patch


Union Leader March 28, 2024 


CONCORD - Plans to build nearly 1,000 housing units in Concord hinge on funding for a new 1.5-mile road that could cost up to $16 million to build, a developer said.
"We need to work out a development agreement with the city on the construction of that road infrastructure that I was talking about,"
developer Kevin Lacasse said in an interview after addressing a housing conference Tuesday.
The city turned down one idea, he said, to pay 100% of the road - which would link Sewalls Falls Road and Merchants Way - through a tax increment financing district, which is a defined area where property taxes can be designated for specific purposes.
Lacasse said he is working with city staff on a compromise to share the road costs, which are inflated by the expense of crossing two brooks.
"Everything is negotiable," he said.


To read more: Union Leader


Business NH Magazine February 7, 2024


Kevin Lacasse, president and CEO of New England Family Housing in New Hampton, says zoning regulations are the biggest obstacle that builders face when proposing any housing with density. “Every developer in New Hampshire knows there are some communities that don’t want these projects in their ‘backyards,’” says Lacasse, echoing the sentiment of Duprey and others. “Decision-makers in such towns will do what they can to make it costly, burdensome and slow while claiming to permit the minimum of diverse-income housing as required by state law.”


To read more: Business NH Magazine

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NHPBS January 4, 2024


"In this program, we're going to focus on New Hampshire towns and the more rural communities where local control is a core value.

Better understand the process and the associated risks, challenges and opportunities to creating more housing.

We will address three key elements in that process.

Identifying and assessing a potential parcel of land or property.

Securing financing and navigating local land use boards whose regulations often differ from one town to another."


Watch the full episode: NHPBS


Concord Monitor January 12, 2024


"Kevin Lacasse, president and CEO of New England Family Housing, laid out how the overlapping phases of construction for the project on Monitor Way ending in 2029 would allow for a speedier rollout of different housing options..."


To read more: Concord Monitor

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Business NH Magazine January 5, 2024


"Kevin Lacasse, president and CEO of New England Family Housing in New Hampshire, says zoning regulations are the biggest obstacle that builders face when proposing any housing with density. "Every developer in New Hampshire knows there are some communities that don't want these projects in their Backyards," says Lacasse..."


To read more: Business NH Magazine


NEREJ November 2,2023


Concord, NH The Monitor Way development team presented updated plans for its proposed 135-acre, mixed-use development near the Concord Monitor building, featuring a total 944 housing units, to the public. Monitor Way presented its proposal to the Concord Planning Board on October 18, 2023 for a conceptual design review. 


With input from the community, Monitor Way has added nearly 300 housing units since the project was first informally presented to the community in August 2022, as well as new plans for an adjoining 40-acre parcel north of the originally proposed 95-acre parcel owned by Newspapers of New England.


To read more: NEREJ

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Concord Monitor October 20, 2023


The starting gun has fired for two very large mixed-use projects in Concord following initial hearings before the Planning Board this week, but the biggest presence in the room wasn’t really the projects themselves – it was the state’s housing crisis.


“We’ve been in front of a lot of planning boards and we can tell how the (housing) issue in New Hampshire has just gotten worse and worse,” said Kevin Lacasse of New England Family Housing, which wants to put more than 900 units along the Merrimack River near Sewall’s Falls, after listening to 10 public comments that largely backed the proposal. “The only people we used to hear from are the people who oppose a project. … You can tell we’ve hit a whole other level with the amount of support coming out for a project.”


To read more: Concord Monitor

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Concord Monitor October 18, 2023


A proposed development at Sewall's Falls in north Concord has grown to 944 apartments, condominiums and townhouses, an increase of almost 50% since it was informally presented last summer.
The project, called Monitor Way because much of it would be built on land alongside the Concord Monitor building on Sewalls Falls Road, seeks to build 151 workforce housing units, 327 market-rate apartments within a mixed-use retail center, 223 standalone market-rate apartments, 71 townhouses for sale and 172 condominiums for sale and rent. It would also feature over 100,000 square feet of commercial retail space and another 100,000 square feet of self-storage space.


To read more: Concord Monitor

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Monitor Way NH October 17, 2023


A proposed development at Sewall's Falls in north Concord has grown to 944 apartments, condominiums and townhouses, an increase of almost 50% since it was informally presented last summer.
The project, called Monitor Way because much of it would be built on land alongside the Concord Monitor building on Sewalls Falls Road, seeks to build 151 workforce housing units, 327 market-rate apartments within a mixed-use retail center, 223 standalone market-rate apartments, 71 townhouses for sale and 172 condominiums for sale and rent. It would also feature over 100,000 square feet of commercial retail space and another 100,000 square feet of self-storage space.


To read more: Monitor Way NH

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Monitor Way NH October 16, 2023


CONCORD, NH — A developer looking to construct hundreds of new housing units on the former Concord Monitor site presents updated plans to the planning board Wednesday, including nearly 300 more housing units than first proposed around 14 months ago.


To read more: Monitor Way NH

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Belin Sun February 23, 2023


BERLIN - Most of the mementos that distinguish Brown School in the City's academic history has been removed. The once lively sounds of children, teachers and staff filling the grade school's spaces have been silent since its June 2019 closure due to decreasing student enrollment. 


The path to the school building's next life continues, however, with a workforce housing and affordable housing plan envisioned for its next chapter.


To read more: Berlin Sun

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BizNH Magazine March 16, 2023


Veteran construction leader and developer Mike Dion joined Kevin Lacasse, CEO of New England Family Housing in New Hampton, and Deane Navaroli, principal of William & Reeves CRE in Hollis, as a member of the partnership team developing Monitor Way.


To read more: BizNH Magazine

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New England Realestate Journal March 3, 2023


The Monitor Way developers who previously announced plans to build 650 housing units in a 95-acre mixed-use development near the Concord Monitor building, have added a third partner and optioned the abutting 40 acres to the immediate north of the project area.


To read more: NEREJ

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The Union Leader February 15, 2023


Monitor Way, a proposed mixed use project in Concord with about 650 housing units, is set to get bigger.


The project developers-New England Family Housing CEO Kevin Lacasse and William & Reeves commercial real estate partner Deane Navaroli - brought on another parter, developer Mike Dion.


To read more: The Union Leader

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The Laconia Daily Sun February 11, 2023


The Development team behind a plan to construct some 650 housing units on 95 acres in Concord has grown by one partner and taken an option to purchase 40 more acres of abutting. property. The proposed Monitor Way development- near the Concord Monitor building on land owned by Newspapers of New England, the Monitor's parent company-a mixed-use plan, featuring commercial, retail as well as apartments and town homes. 


To read more: Laconia Daily Sun 

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NH Business Review February 8, 2023


The development team behind a plan to construct some 650 housing units on 95 acres in Concord has grown by one partner and taken an option to purchase 40 more acres of abutting property.


The proposed Monitor Way development – near the Concord Monitor building on land owned by Newspapers of New England, the Monitor’s parent company – is a mixed-use plan, featuring commercial, retail as well as apartments and townhomes.


To read more: NH Business Review

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The Concord Monitor February 8, 2023


Developers hoping to build about 650 housing units on 95 acres near the Concord Monitor building have take an option on 40 more acres located between the project area and the new Merchant's Way development and Wheelabrator track-to-energy plant.

"The development team is studying different potential uses for the additional 40 acres,' the group said in a statement .


To read more: Concord Monitor 


The Union Leader September 10, 2022


With mail tucked into his waistband and a container of tomato vegetable soup in his hand, Dave Carstairs maneuvered along the sidewalks and crosswalks on a weekday of light traffic and low humidity.

Three years earlier, he and his wife sold their home in town and moved into a condo in Salem’s Tuscan Village based on faith — before a Market Basket, L.L. Bean and dozens of other stores and restaurants rose from the ground.


To read more: Development


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The Patch-Concord, NH August 11, 2022


Kevin Lacasse of New England Family Housing and members of his development team presented two plans for the parcel — a large industrial building and a mixed-use community proposal featuring hundreds of apartments and condos, first-floor retail, and a self-storage space company. He noted, after meeting with Newspapers of New England, the former owners, as well as scoping out the parcel, using it for industrial seemed like a waste.


To read more: Concord Monitor Property  or YouTube Video



New Hampshire Public Radio July 7, 2022


Berlin has received a $500,000 grant to convert a former elementary school into 20 affordable housing units.

Brown Elementary School shut down in 2019 due to low enrollment. With this new Community Development Block Grant funding, it's on track to be the third school in Berlin transformed into housing since 2012, according to Pamela Laflamme, the city’s community development director.


To read more: Berlin School 


Concord Monitor May 23, 2022


Early plans to develop a 95-acre parcel of land along the Merrimack River would include more than 600 units of housing in a mixed-use project along Interstate-93 and the railroad, north of the Concord Monitor building.

The potential project near Exit 17 is dependent on the sale of the land, which is owned by Newspapers of New England.


To read more: Concord Land Deal 


New Hampshire Business Review May 20, 2022


Kevin Lacasse, CEO of New England Family Housing, hopes he is both one of the first in line and one of the last in line when he applies for some of the $100 million available in the state’s newly announced InvestNH Housing Fund.

First in line, because he’s almost ready to apply for funds when the program starts in June to renovate an old school in Berlin into housing units.

To read more: InvestNH

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e-Ticker News of Claremont March 9, 2020


CLAREMONT, NH—The first tenants of the Goddard Block on Pleasant Street moved into their apartments last week, within days of 10 of the units’ securing certificates of occupancy. Certificates for the remaining 26 apartments will be issued in the next two weeks.

Meanwhile, the Goddard’s ground floor is being readied for three retail and commercial units. They have been brought up to drywall status and meet electrical and fire codes. 

To read more: Goddard Block


Valley News October 6, 2019


  NEWPORT, NH-At its meeting on Monday, Sullivan County commissioners will consider a request from New England Family Housing of New Hampton, N.H., to apply for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant that would go toward the redevelopment of a former mill building in Newport that had previously received Planning Board approval to be converted to 65 apartments. 

To read more: Newport, NH


October 3, 2019


NEWPORT- With the support of the Newport Board of Selectmen, the Newport Mills Project has advanced to the starting line.

And if all goes as planned, it will cross the finish line and be ready for occupancy in the fall of 2021.

At stake is conversion of the former five-story mill building (Gordon Woolen Mill) on Sunapee Street -into workforce apartments.

To read more: Newport Mill Project


e-Ticker News of Claremont May 20, 2019


CLAREMONT, NH—Next spring, the Goddard Building will open its doors as a completely renovated structure containing commercial space and 36 apartments (9 market rate, 27 affordable units).
Since the winter, the site has been the scene of intense activity overseen by the general contractor, Trumbull-Nelson Construction of Hanover, NH, and carried out by numerous sub- as well as sub- sub- contractors.


To read more: Goddard Block


Union Leader October 6, 2018


Home builder Kevin Lacasse is selling 1,200-square-foot ranches for $299,000 in a new development in Tilton.

He calculates nearly $17,000 of that price is due to unneeded state and local regulations adding to his costs for roads, retention pond and utilities for the 24-house development under construction.


To read more: Local Regulations


Valley News July 26, 2018


“The bottom line is this board is committed to the downtown,” Barrett, who also is an architect, said at a meeting on Wednesday at Town Hall to discuss housing opportunities in town. Fifteen people attended, including representatives from the Green Mountain Economic Development Corp., Twin Pines Housing Trust, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission, and developer New England Family Housing. 


To read more: Regulations


NHBR July 25, 2018


Funding for six multi-family affordable rental housing developments, which will produce or preserve 166 units of general occupancy, age-restricted and special needs housing around the state, was recently approved by the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors.  


To read more: Multi-Family


Valley News Correspondent December 24, 2017


Claremont — The New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority’s advisory committee has recommended approval of two $500,000 Community Development Block Grants to help renovate and upgrade three downtown properties.

If approved by the governor and executive council, possibly next month, the grants would help finance rehabilitation of the Farwell Block and an adjacent building on Opera House Square and the Goddard Block on Pleasant Street. 


To read more: Claremont


Valley News Correspondent September 25, 2017


Claremont — The city’s Planning Board unanimously approved a site plan and conditional use permit on Monday night for a complete overhaul of the Goddard Block on Pleasant Street, where New Hampton, N.H.-based New England Family Housing is planning 36 apartments. 


To read more: Claremont


Valley News Correspondent July 27, 2017


UNITY — Three public hearings on a proposed application to the Community Development Finance Authority for up to $500.000 in Community Development Block Grant funds were held at Monday’s meeting of the Sullivan County Commissioners

The grant information that is earmarked for the renovation project at the Goddard Block in Downtown Claremont zipped through with no public questions or comments.


To read more: Goddard Block


Valley News Correspondent July 16, 2017


As a kid in the 1960s, Norma Griffin came to know a downtown Claremont far different from what’s there now. 

On Friday nights, shoppers clogged the sidewalks. Traffic was bumper to bumper. Police officers were needed at each end of Pleasant Street, the downtown’s main strip, to direct the crowds and cars. 


To read more: People First


Valley News Correspondent July 13, 2017


Claremont — With approvals for variances from the Zoning Board of Adjustment that reduce the number of required parking spaces and allow for apartments on the first floor, New England Family Housing CEO Kevin Lacasse said he now will prepare a site plan for the Goddard Block at 54-62 Pleasant Street.


To read more: Goddard Approved


Valley News Correspondent June 29, 2017


Claremont — The Pleasant Street apartment building that was ordered vacated by city officials in March because of numerous safety and code violations may be getting a new life.

Kevin Lacasse, owner of New England Family Housing of New Hampton, N.H., told the City Council he is looking at buying the three-story Goddard Block and investing several million dollars into its rehabilitation. 


To read more: Goddard Block


Valley News Correspondent June, 2017


CLAREMONT — Progress might soon be made in the redevelopment of the Goddard block on Pleasant Street after the building was condemned and tenants were evicted in early March. Kevin Lacasse, a real estate broker with New England Family Housing, will invest and oversee the $4 million project to rehabilitate the property.


To read more: Developer

Country Meadows May 13,2015


TILTON — Last Thursday afternoon, the ribbon was cut on a new housing development off School Street in Tilton that offers spacious lots, beautiful surroundings and affordable homes for sale to all.

Kevin LeCasse of New Hampton is the new owner of Country Meadows and is pleased he could bring a formerly "distressed" neighborhood back to a place anyone would be proud to call home.


To read more: Country Meadows


Bristol, NH


BRISTOL — Faced with a state population that is aging, with younger residents moving away to find jobs and more affordable places to live, a number of studies have recommended job training and more affordable housing to encourage younger people to remain here. The New Hampshire Legislature passed a law requiring every community to provide “reasonable and realistic opportunities” for the development of workforce housing, and Bristol’s master plan identified workforce housing as an important goal. 


To read more: Bristol

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